Tea Time | Bring Back the Old Times

Hello, trendies. A cup of tea was always a good excuse for some gatherings and gossip. But people nowadays seem to prefer lattes or matcha. Why? So we came today with a big question: When did the old fashion ways get buried?
Let’s bring back the Tea Time.

What happened to the elegance of the Tea Table, full of scones and little clotted cream and sweets? Time to bring awareness to the old cool and good habits.
Now, one thing that some of us know little about is the types of  “Tea Time” that exist. So let’s start to understand more about our social tea moments.

Cream Tea
A simple tea service consisting of scones, clotted cream, marmalade, or lemon curd and tea.

Tea Time TrendBook

Morning coffee hour in England.

Afternoon Tea

What we imagine all British teas to be. An afternoon meal is served typically from 2-4 pm, which includes the tiers of smart little crustless sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, curd 2 or 3 sweets, and heaps of tea.

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Low Tea
This is still an afternoon tea, ut called “low tea” because guests are seated in low armchairs with low side-tables on which to place their cups and saucers.

Royal Tea
A social tea served with champagne at the beginning, to sherry at the end.


High Tea 
A meal eaten in the late afternoon or early evening, consisting of a cooked dish, bread & butter  and tea. Families with servants often took high tea on Sundays to allow the maids & butlers time to go to church & not worry about cooking.

With this said, take in mind to make it with style. A Tea Party doesn’t need to come from grandmas taste. Make it seasonal, modern and memorable.
And props to your table, has flowers or pampas leafs, candles or sivler plates. Is everything up to you!

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** Trendbook does not own any of these photos.

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