The use of natural materials is increasing specified within the contract sector due to a primal need to be connected to our origins. The natural materials trend focuses on the use of tactile materials like rattan, bamboo, seagrass, and cork. These materials all have an honesty authenticity that we as human beings find naturally seductive. It’s probably something to do with our primal need to feel connected to nature.
Nowadays, and with the digital consumerism we lost our touch with nature, so with this trend, we can have this bond again. This has been proven to have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being and can probably explain the growing need we feel to surround ourselves with nature at home. We’ve already seen it in the trend for plants and greenery in our homes and this trend for incorporating more natural materials into our homes is part and parcel of the same movement. With the plants and more natural elements in our space, we can have this trend complete.
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Natural materials and textures help us to create a more holistic and calming environment that helps to improve our well-being. Nature-inspired hues such as earthy browns and deep greens help to bring a touch of the outdoors in.
There is also an environmental factor here as these natural materials are also more sustainable and do less damage to our environment. As people become more and more aware of the harm caused by materials like plastic, we are witnessing a strong desire to choose materials that are easy to replenish, recycle and reuse.